Monday, May 9, 2011

The weekend

Friday Taylor and I celebrated our 6 month anniversary, a small milestone for some, but for us we wanted to celebrate.  Taylor picked me up from work that afternoon with a suitcase.  He had packed us everything for a nights stay at the Talking Stick Resort and Casino in Scottsdale.  I was so excited, because I've been so bored lately and it was something different to do.  Unfortunately he forgot to pack me pants, but fortunately that meant I got to go buy new ones!  Anything that begins with shopping is good in my mind.

After that we went to dinner at Brio, where we had our first date and then we went out to the casino.  Taylor has been collecting change for over 3 years and he brought it all with him, finally ready to spend it.  Little did we know, slot machines actually don't take coins anymore! I think we stuck out like a sore thumb, we definitely felt very different then everyone else.  Taylor had never been to a casino and was quite excited, but he soon lost his enthusiasm.  We couldn't even figure out how to use the machines! We wasted about $20 before we gave up.  But we still had a great time and enjoyed spending time together.

On Saturday Taylor even agreed to go to the nice mall in Scottsdale and shop! This is a big deal, if you didn't know.  So we cashed in all his change and shopped!

It was a great weekend and I felt lucky that I have such a sweet husband who likes to celebrate the small things in life with me.  Thanks Tay!

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